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electric gate maintenance

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JP SecurityGate Barrier Maintenance

Keeping up with maintenance is an important factor influencing gate and barrier safety – as it provides an opportunity to check that all the safety features are working correctly and whether any adaptations to the system have been made, which might compromise its safety.

Just as you need to monitor how a car is running in between formal services, anyone who has responsibility for an automated gate should be prepared to review the condition of the gate on a regular basis, outside of the formal biannual services.

And be aware that the frequency of checks will be largely dictated by a number of critical factors including daily number of operations; footfall numbers; geographical setting, structure / featured materials and types of safety device fitted.

Remember that any person involved in the servicing and maintenance of the installation has a responsibility to leave the gate system in a safe condition.

This isn’t just in relation to mitigating any impact and crushing risks associated with the automation. It also extends to the structural integrity of the gate supports and overall installation.

Annual gate safety check

Outside of the maintenance visits carried out by a professional installer, a visual inspection of the gate / barrier and surrounding area should be completed monthly to ensure the gate / barrier is still operating safely.
NEVER undertake any changes to the gate / barrier system that will alter its operation, as this could result in be leaving a dangerous machine in operation that could cause serious injury to residents, staff and visitors.

  • Clean photocells / light curtain / laser scanner – ensure they are free of spider webs, dirt etc
  • Check safety devices are working correctly, see Gate Safe guidance for details
  • Cut back any plant growth around the gate and safety devices
  • Check hinges / rollers / moving parts
  • Check for wear and tear
  • Check for signs of rust
  • Check no changes in physical site which require alterations to the gate to be made
  • Check gate is still in operation for the same planned original usage
  • Check control box is securely fixed and locked
  • Check any audible warning / flashing light / warning sign are still fitted and visible
  • Check manual release and that location of manual release keys is known to all relevant key staff
  • Check ease of manual operation

If there are any concerns with the gate or barrier those responsible switch it to manual operation and contact the maintenance company for an expert opinion.


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